
And we have a baby girl!

Well, not US, but Monica & Mike do! :o) Got you a little excited didn't I? I am the proud Auntie of Miss Sierra Lee Bentz! She was born on Sunday, June 14th @ 10:11pm, 2 -1/2 weeks early yet perfectly on time. She was totally thinking of me of course when she decided that would be the day. I must mention how much I appreciate her for that because had she come on her due date, July 3rd, I may have missed another very important occasion for our family... Sean & Sara's wedding! Oh how I love when things work out just perfectly. What a load off! Thanks baby girl! Speaking of perfect, that she is! She came into this world at 6lbs 6oz 19" long with blonde hair and blue eyes. She wasn't wasting much time either. Monica started contracting Sunday morning on the way to church, timed her contractions during the sermon lol, was admitted at 4pm at 4cm and progressed so quickly... She was pushing by 8:30! My mom, who flew down there last Thursday and plans to stay a month, was able to be there for all of the excitement (as was Mike's mom). It's a good thing she went went when she did too! I made it to Las Vegas exactly 12 hours after she was born and my dear friend Jessi, taking an early lunch thank you, picked me up and took me to them. It was an extra special thing to celebrate my first mutual niece with Jessi, my friend since jr. high who is married to Mike's older brother! I spent Monday at the hospital with Mo, Mike & Sierra. Everyone was doing awesome and I was so blessed to be there and love on her! The new family of 3 came home late that night and we spent the next 36 hours enjoying Sierra and helping (I hope!) mom & dad adjust. They are naturals! Monica is a rockstar! She didn't even take the meds they offered her for the pain that next day! That I couldn't imagine lol. Both mama & baby are taking to breastfeeding like such pros too. Amazing. Wednesday morning before I had to fly home I got to help give her her first bath at home (which of course she screamed through like both of mine did too). It was a special time. Oh how I wish my sister & I could live closer, raising our kids in the same town, trading date nights, all those things you think of and take for granted when you are growing up! But even though we have many miles between us I hope I can be a big part of Sierra's sweet life. I can't wait for Olivia & Tavian to meet her! Time to get our webcams up and working! Congratulations Bentz Family!