Well we have some serious cabin fever! The snow we've been dealing with around here for the past several weeks has forced us to spend a lot of time in doors recently. On the bright side we have made the most of it and have had fun hanging together, attending birthday parties and having play dates. Olivia loves to paint and they both cruise around the living room and kitchen on their little ride-on toys. We have also set up the basketball hoop that Monica & Mike got Olivia for Christmas in our front living room (so much for confining toys to one room in our house!) She likes to "shoot hoops" with dad and Quyen is teaching Tavian to dribble (he holds the ball with both hands and bounces it on the hardwood floor over & over- CUTE)!
"I'm gonna get you!"With Ella at her brother Shay's birthday partyPlay date with Brooklyn & Brittany
Tavian took his first 4 steps on Tuesday January 29th. He loves to crawl to anyone and use their leg to stand up and then he goes for it. Olivia is so proud of him. She cheers him on constantly and has also taught him to turn around at the top of the stairs and go down. He picked it up right away and she'll tell you that it was all her doing. So our home is now a free for all!They are both doing awesome at school. When we ask her Olivia how her day was she informs us "I not being nasty, I no bite my friends at school anymore!" (Most of you know we have battled with this habit of hers for far too long and are quite proud of this new leaf). Her vocabulary surprises us daily and she is an absolute crack up! She has learned so much lately, she likes to write her "name" (lines & circles really), can count to 25 and loves to sing songs and of course dance dance dance! And she LOVES her Tavian! Tavian will soon be moving up to the Toddler 1 classroom which I think he will love. All of the teachers there love him so I'm never worried about lack of attention! His morning teacher in the infant room will miss him though- they have a special connection. We are so blessed to be there! We recently weened Tavian off of formula which is fantastic. His daddy also gave him his first full haircut last night. He did so well and looks especially handsome...
Monica said he's trying to decide if he likes it here :o)
And since I can hardly get Olivia to sit still for a picture here are some videos of her from the other night. She was very hyper for whatever reason and making us laugh as usual...
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